Friday, June 5, 2009

No More School.....until next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so happy I just got out of school at 10:35am and now its summer vacation. I can finally sleep in, hangout with friends all the time, party, and do a lot more things I don't even know that I will do yet. So far I'm suppose to hangout with Zac a lot this summer and go to california with him maybe, go to concerts and concerts galore even though I already do and go see transformers with all my friends. Like over 10 of us are going together to see that and my friends mom was like I can only bring 6 but I'm like some of us can drive ourselves or get dropped off. Two of my friends who are twins are going to dress up with nerd glasses (they are so hot I got them at hot topic) with me, transformer shirts, and a hat thats like a beret but its not....I forget what their called. I pull off the nerdy look quite well haha. Oh and I'm also going to Connecticut for a wedding and my cousins birthday and new york city to go shopping with my dad. See ya sophomore year I knew you so well, lmao well I can't wait to be a junior but I heard its the hardest year. FML! I think I'm going to die, hey but dieing isn't bad if you get a restart button like the SIMS lol. I have one of those programmed into me. It's on the back of my neck, sorry its not my fault I was constructed in a scientific lab.

Question of the day: What are your plans this summer?

My plans:

-30hrs in tattoo parlour for senior graduation project

(yeah I want to be a psychologist and tattoo/piercing artist I know weird combo but I don't care)

-lip piercing

-septum piercing

-get a job

-get a tattoo:D

-run a mile each day, adding another every other day

-fix up my new skateboard deck

-find someone to rap with (who actually is good!)

1 comment:

  1. Ah, that all sounds so awesome. (:
    I still have 2 weeks of school, and I'm forced to go to summer school for half of summer because I failed 3 classes. D:
